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Update of the External Privacy Notice
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Published on 7/2/2024
Last update on 7/3/2024

We have revised the Privacy Notice that explains how VTEX processes the personal data of Shoppers, i.e., individuals who access ecommerce environments controlled by merchants who are direct clients of VTEX.

The document includes information about the following aspects:

  • Personal data processed by VTEX and its purpose
  • Data retention period
  • Data subject rights
  • VTEX's personal data protection practices
  • Storage of personal data in the cloud
  • Data sharing with partners

What has changed?

The new version of the Notice includes VTEX's latest privacy practices for personal data processing on the VTEX Platform, presented in a clearer, summarized way and directed at Shoppers.

Why did we make this change?

We updated the Privacy Notice to align with legislation and our global privacy certifications, which recommend periodic updates. In addition, we have separated the privacy policies for job applicants, employees, and events into specific documents.

What needs to be done?

No action is required. The document is now available in all languages on the VTEX website. For more information, you can access the new External Privacy Notice and the getting started guide Data and privacy.

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