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Received SKUs: New SKU management experience
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Published on 9/2/2024
Last update on 9/2/2024

We have developed new features for the Received SKUs page to improve the interaction between the marketplace and seller when approving SKUs.

The new experience offers a streamlined visualization model for offers sent by sellers and new configuration options, all in one place.

What has changed?

Previously, the Received SKUs module allowed the following actions: Link to an existing SKU or product, Approve a new product, and Reject a product.
Now, in addition to providing a segmented view of incoming offers, the marketplace can:

  • Create new products with multiple SKUs.
  • Add blocking reasons.
  • Unblock SKUs.
  • Request SKU fixes.

What needs to be done?

The new Received SKUs experience has been available for testing on all VTEX accounts since September 2, 2024. To explore the new architecture of the page and all its available features, see Received SKUs.

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