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OrdersAllowing order replacement
Allowing order replacement
1 min read

Order Replacement allows customers in your store to change data in orders already placed.

The goal is to help them correct errors without having to manually place a new order or contact your support, which facilitates the operation of your store and reduces costs.

Orders with partial invoices cannot be canceled. If the customer wants to replace or remove items from the order, it is possible to change the order.

Enabling order replacement

This feature is available to all stores. To enable it, follow the steps below:

  1. In the VTEX Admin, go to Store Settings > Orders > Settings, or type Orders in the search bar at the top of the page and select Store Settings / Orders.
  2. On the General tab, in the Order replacement field, select the checkbox Allow customers to make changes to orders.
  3. Click Save.

Within 15 minutes, after automatic cache refresh, the feature should be available.

For more information about the feature and cases that do not allow replacement, see the article Order replacement.

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