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Amazon IntegrationAmazon account settings
Amazon account settings
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Creating an Amazon seller account

The first step in integrating your VTEX store with Amazon is to create and configure a seller account.

You must create a new account with a different domain for each different region in which you want to sell. For example, if you already sell in Brazil, but want to sell in the United States, you must create a seller account at Amazon United States.

Authorizing VTEX in the Amazon dashboard

After creating your seller account, you will need to authorize VTEX in your Amazon Seller Central account. Follow the instructions below:

  1. In the VTEX Admin, go to Marketplace > Integrations > Settings.
  2. In the Amazon integration card, click the gear icon.
  3. Click Authorization. You will be directed to the Amazon Seller Central screen.
  4. Check the box to confirm that you agree with the displayed terms.
  5. Click Confirm.

After completing the authorization, you will be redirected to the VTEX Admin, and the integration step will be completed.

If you have questions about this, please refer to Amazon Seller Central documentation.

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