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Integrating with Google ShoppingConfiguring the feed
Configuring the feed
1 min read

Feeds are lists of products that will be advertised through Google Merchant Center. There are two types of feeds:

  • Main feed: the most important source of information about your products.
  • Complementary feed: updates specific data in one or more main feeds.

For using the integration with Google Shopping, it is crucial to set the VTEX feed as your primary feed on Google Merchant Center, as it includes your most relevant product data. This happens automatically when the integration is completed; just make sure you do not change this setting.

Using a complementary feed is optional. However, we recommend it in some cases, for example when you have to add information that is not automatically sent by the integration.

Example: when you have to specify whether a product is new or used.

Creating a complementary feed can also be beneficial when you want to change information about a product in Google Shopping but do not want to change your trade policy.

For more information, check out these Google articles about feeds and how to create a complementary feed.
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