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VTEX Modules: Getting Started
CatalogCreating Categories
Creating Categories
1 min read

There are two ways through which to create a category: Admin VTEX or API.

The step-by-step below will show you how to create departments, categories and subcategories, in accordance with your store’s category tree blueprint.

Admin VTEX

  1. Click on Catalog.
  2. Click on Categories.
  3. Click on the category in which you wish to add child categories.
  4. A small blue rectangle will appear on the screen. Select the Actions dropdown menu.
  5. From the dropdown menu, select Include.
  6. Fill out the category fields on the form. For a better understanding of each field, read the article on how to fill out category fields.
  7. Click on Save.


Use the Create Category request to create a new Category using the API Catalog.

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