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VTEX Sales App - PaymentsSetting up Credit Direct Sale
Setting up Credit Direct Sale
1 min read

If you wish to receive credit card payments on VTEX Sales App, follow the steps below.

  1. In the VTEX Admin, go to Store Settings > Settings > Payment Conditions, or type Settings in the search bar at the top of the page.
  2. Click the + button.
  3. Click the Venda Direta Crédito payment method.
  4. Click the Status button to enable this payment condition.
  5. You can choose to set up cash or installment payment.
  6. Optionally, you can set up special payment conditions by clicking on Add special condition. Read the article Configuring payment special conditions for more information.
  7. Click Save.

In addition to the settings above, you must follow the Define payment methods displayed in VTEX Sales App guide so that the payment options are displayed correctly in the app.

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